I was so obsessed with the technical advancements that I forgot to take notice of the simple chores. But this recognition was brought back by a random maintenance check on my apartment complex’s main circuit board. I wondered what chores could be completed without electricity and technology? Well, I could read some of those book that I’ve been wanting to finish, wrap up the paper process of my graduate applications and/or take my nephew for a walk as well as get some groceries on the way.

Cooking was out of the question since I got one of those electric operated stove-tops. I had no idea when the electricity would be up and running again so it made me wonder how technology has taken over our lives. We have started to depend on electricity indirectly by counting on technology. Electricity being the mother of everything man-made, our lives revolve around it. We have started to depend on e-books compared to old-fashioned classic hard-cover scripts, running on treadmills compared to the outdoors….

Fortunately Southern California is still experiencing the cool spring breeze so the fan was not a necessity. I realized the ‘Basic’ necessities that were actually missing in my house were matchbox, candles, pile of interesting books, board games, coloring books for the kid, one of those tiny portable kerosene stoves and marshmallows (to make smores on top the fire).


I think it’s time to turn old-fashioned once in a while. Lace up and walk the dirt without dependance. It’s a personal challenge we must learn to accept; how long are we willing to go without technical dependance? Electricity has turned into a basic necessity but is it the same with electronics? Is it too hard to stay away from your smartphone, laptop or tablet?

I dare you to try it!