Tag Archive: Daily

Image: Indiego

Image: Indiego

Not literally ‘in’ your face but rather ‘on’ it. The Pacific shaving company introduced a range of shaving products that contains caffeine in it. Why? Because caffeine is high in anti-oxidants and prevents the redness of the skin.The caffeine after-shave enters the body through the skin pores and gets absorbed into the system. I am not entirely what the cream smells like (I’d prefer the fresh smell of shaving cream than that of coffee) but this seems like a plausible solution to those who hate drinking caffeine products like tea and coffee. These products can be bought at Indiego. They have a broad range of products for women as well.

This short video gives a complete description of the caffeine product.

How Secure is Free Wi-Fi?


There are three types of people who go to Starbucks

1. Loyal Customers
2. Cause all your friends drink and you want to blend in
3. Or like me, sit there for hours to hog the wi-fi

We all know that public wi-fi, specially if it’s free, is not at all secure. No one should ever log onto their bank account or work e-mail on an unsecured connection. It can be easily hacked and the information is visible to everyone on the same connection.

Firefox has a new extension called the Firesheep that employs a packet sniffer which lets the user steal unencrypted cookies from popular websites like Twitter or Facebook as the cookies are being sent over WiFi. The extension shows all the found identities on a sidebar in the browser and allows the user to immediately double-click on your account identity and use it as if they were you.

The weird part is that Firebox has not marked down this add-on even thought it is allowing users to test for vulnerabilities.

We are officially on Instagram !!!

Hopefully, I will be filling up the account with pics with anything interesting I see/notice anytime.

Follow Say What Again on Instagram at @ezek2517

“Time eventually positions most photographs, even the most amateurish, at the level of art.”
Susan Sontag

During a phone conversation with a recently married friend, she happened to mention that her lifestyle had hardly changed after marriage. Chores and domestic responsibilities resemble to that of living with a roommate, she exclaimed.

This made me contemplate what I would miss if I had to live with a partner/roommate? What are those itty-bitty things that I would miss as soon a roommate/partner walks in. Probably these are things that every guy would miss doing once they lose their private zone at home.

  1. Eating directly out of the refrigerator. Of course, when staying by yourself, cutlery are luxury utilities that can be afforded by those who can spend time putting them out, eating out of it, and worst of all – washing it in a timely manner before the home aroma has a strange whiff to it.
  2. Eat an entire bucket of Haagen-Dasz and not even giving a damn about it.
  3. Remaining in the same clothes for days until it starts to become a part of you.
  4. Research on how many meals can be eaten on the bed before the crumbs can start poking a person awake from his sleep.
  5. Self-train in spying on neighbors for no reason and later gossiping to the mirror about them.
  6. Choreograph wacky moves (call them free-style if you’d like) and be convinced that you’re ready to challenge the next Fred Astaire.
  7. Drink all the alcohol yourself and laugh like a maniac watching random cat videos on YouTube .
  8. Spending an hour under the hot water when you finally decide to shower. Feel free to use all the hot water you want, got noboy to share them with eh?
  9. Laugh at your own jokes and be convinced that you’re better than Dave Chappelle.
  10. Last but not the least, living alone can boost your focus on your career or education and thereby reduce professional stress. You can spend all the time you want at work or at school and not be bothered about chores waiting for you at home.

As a guy there are way more things I could post but I think I’ll save that for later.

Let There Be Light!

I was so obsessed with the technical advancements that I forgot to take notice of the simple chores. But this recognition was brought back by a random maintenance check on my apartment complex’s main circuit board. I wondered what chores could be completed without electricity and technology? Well, I could read some of those book that I’ve been wanting to finish, wrap up the paper process of my graduate applications and/or take my nephew for a walk as well as get some groceries on the way.

Cooking was out of the question since I got one of those electric operated stove-tops. I had no idea when the electricity would be up and running again so it made me wonder how technology has taken over our lives. We have started to depend on electricity indirectly by counting on technology. Electricity being the mother of everything man-made, our lives revolve around it. We have started to depend on e-books compared to old-fashioned classic hard-cover scripts, running on treadmills compared to the outdoors….

Fortunately Southern California is still experiencing the cool spring breeze so the fan was not a necessity. I realized the ‘Basic’ necessities that were actually missing in my house were matchbox, candles, pile of interesting books, board games, coloring books for the kid, one of those tiny portable kerosene stoves and marshmallows (to make smores on top the fire).


I think it’s time to turn old-fashioned once in a while. Lace up and walk the dirt without dependance. It’s a personal challenge we must learn to accept; how long are we willing to go without technical dependance? Electricity has turned into a basic necessity but is it the same with electronics? Is it too hard to stay away from your smartphone, laptop or tablet?

I dare you to try it!

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